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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/britney18
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Britney Faz
Britney Faz
Britney Faz
Britney Faz
Thankks. Yahh I like it a lot! Ohh I know, I was so happy that we didnt have any school! oh darn, I could have! I did pretty much nothing, hung out with danny! Oh wow, my mom baked cookies like all dayy yesterday too! I dont know if we\'re going to church tomorrow yet, but i hope so! ttyl.
Britney Faz
heyy there bby girl. i love you so much!
Beth and Gary Weir
Very cute pic of u three. WOW another day off school where you could have spent the night....hee hee. I\'m baking cookies right now and it\'s after midnight. Mmmmm Good. What did you do all day since no school?
Ashley H
WHOO! (: I love you too. I miss you my baby girl.
Ashley H
AHH! Britney, darling, i love you dearly! (: You\'re my baby girl! Haha.
Beth and Gary Weir
Hi there darlin\'~ SO glad u could come with us to Kraynak\'s today. Hope u had fun. U need to spice up ur profile page with a background and pics and color. Try to get ur mama to do mypraize too. See u at church tomorrow.

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