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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/christian-man
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Ethan Wellhausen
Brittany and Me
Ethan Wellhausen
Ethan Wellhausen
My baptism last year
Ethan Wellhausen
Ethan Wellhausen
Hey dork lol jk You know i love you but what are you up too??? I haven\'t been on in so long lol what is new?
Ethan Wellhausen
Hey what is up Amanda I am just going around asking people on my friends list things like this :lol:
Ethan Wellhausen
Hey Miss thang lol JK but what is new with you Are you liking school in Trinity :?: :D
Ethan Wellhausen
hey ashley i didn\'t know you had one of these things lol
denise byrd
hey, if you call me danielle again I will rip your head off!! got it :) me and amanda are just going to have to go swimming and drown for you except I think we\'ll pass on the mouth to mouth! llol :D
kayla smith
yes it is too scaryy. cause you && patrick both know the combo && you both are like the most forgetful people everr..so y\'all will probably open it one day && forget to close it [which patrick has already done]. little bro you know what..we need pics together..ones with me && you turn out bad most of the time. gosh this is a really long comment. =]
Ethan Wellhausen
I don\'t think that it is scary at all really now I can go in it whenever I want too HAHAHA LOL :roll: that is for you little blonde person :lol:
Ethan Wellhausen
Well I tried to go and comment you pics but I can\'t and that is pretty gay but you have A LOT of old ones on there. YOu have some crazy ones with nathan in them he looks like a VERY special child. :lol: I\'m just playin
Ethan Wellhausen
O OK that is pretty funny Danielle I\'ve been pretty good keeping busy and what not LOL but I am busy with the finals and football and then my job needs me this weekend YAY :D :lol: So what have you been up to? :?:
kayla smith
you know what...it\'s kinda scary that you know my locker combanation. rather scary..lol
denise byrd
lol I almost forgot I called you after nick had called me lol I was going to let you know so how are you?

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