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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/couger94
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Alex Valdez
Lunch menu...decapitated chicken
Alex Valdez
Alex Valdez
Carissa Curtis
omg hey alex! what\'s up? you need to come to my church on wednesdayy
Alicia M.
hey y did u leave skool so early??
Alex Valdez
wat up bro
Audreanna Morgan
hey how hve u been?
Von Milan
nuthin much chika lol so hows laura been behaving lol thanks for keepin an eye out on her for me lol
Alicia M.
omg i was jk bout ur \"first frend\"!!
Laura Brumble
[b]hey alex how are you???
Von Milan
hey whas up bud i see you like my gilfriend lol haha no harm and yeah were still together and we will be for a long time and we dont plan on changin that so keep it safe and remember my name is VON :!:
Laura Brumble
alex!!!!!!!!!!! haha omgee ur soo adorable...lookin all cute on stage lol how are you???
Chelsie Boyd
Thanks for stopping by and for the friend request. Keep on doing what you do for Jesus and always remember that everyone can reach someone for Jesus and you are never too old or young to do something for God.
Alex Valdez
hello birdie
Alex Valdez
u suck

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