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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/dancedancedance0022
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kylee cook
kylee cook
me and my purse!!!!!!!!!
kylee cook
me and my gang!!!!!!!!!!!
kylee cook
me and daddy!!!!!!!!
kylee cook
kylee cook
ya. i might be coming to ur house tomorrow but im not sure. but if i do see u then! luv ya! ill prob just conme with nana cuz my mom cant come cuz of the dogs but ya!
katie crews
yay that\'s good !
kylee cook
ummm ya she went to the doctors the other day and they said they dont know whats wrong with it but it doesnt have anything to do with her heart which is good. aso hopefully it will get better.
kylee cook
ok...fine with me! but ur my second favorite cousin! ttyl!
katie crews
second hmmm...ill have to think bout that spott..haha hey do you know how nanas doing ??
kylee cook
cute pic! so did you hear about our new cousin Rylee Ann? she is soooo cute! have u seen the pictures? well shes my favorite cousin now.... no offense.... because we like have the same name only hers is with and R. well luv ya! ttyl!
katie crews
you know what brandons my new favorite couzion cuz i love him way more then you...no offence (:
katie crews
you know what brandons my new favorite couzion cuz i love him way more then you...no offence (:
kylee cook
omg are u serious! that stinks. i thought yall had it the same time as us. oh well but ya i will deff. text u later! byebye! ily
kylee cook
hey whats up girl? how is ur spring break so far? i went to mgm and rode the rockin rolllercoaster and it was amazing!!! have u ever been on it? well cute pic by the way! ttyl girl! toodles! luv ya!

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