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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/dramaqueen273
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emily Elizabeth
Em's Folder 200
emily Elizabeth
Em's Folder 270
emily Elizabeth
Em's Folder 135
emily Elizabeth
Em's Folder 005
emily Elizabeth
Emilys_pics_2 015
emily Elizabeth
joepok felongco
hi hw r yah??still single???me too...am jb
Jonathan Lamunyon
nothing much just listening to the new skillet cd.
cassandra =}
Ah that stinks! I justhope i can get that second one cuz if not! =(... No license for another year!
Jonathan Lamunyon
Hey,what up
cassandra =}
Haha! I know! Well nothin really happenin here just tryin to get a 2nd job cuz... insurance is expensive! lol
cassandra =}
Hey chicka dee! What have you been up to? It feels like its been forever! =)
Anna Johnson
i am doing okay. I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE SCHOOL YEAR IS OVER!!! i am going on a trip to florida as soon as it\'s over!!!
emily Elizabeth
its going good :D how about you?
Anna Johnson
hey, you! how\'s it going? i just thought i\'d send leave you a comment on here; this is one of the gew times that I get on lol. how\'s it going?

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