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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/fastpitchchik23
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
zappatta smith
Andrew Baker
lol yello my fav soft ball player long time no see internet works nowlol just wanted to see how many changes had been made to mypraize
Nathan Lunsford
zappatta smith
zappatta smith
hey baby gurl.....what's new w/ u?!? so yeah, i just got off the phone w/ u.....anyways, what do u wanna do friday? i dunno, i say i stay w/ u friday nite..and sunday nite..but its up 2 u..and ur parents....i jus wanna do somethin b4 skewl starts....ok, well, i'll c ya at orientation.....luv ya honey...oh and both jordan's~!~manda~
kassie stover
hey manda :!: i like so miss you :!: we should like hang sometime soon :?: mmkay :?: well call me later :!: when you get this.. mmkay:?: lylas :!: kassie :D
zappatta smith
zappatta smith
hey sxc....i love u 4 freakin ever baby! write me back!
zappatta smith
hey............u havent been on 4 a couple days! anyways, i'll be on later...maybe! i dont know what time my boyfriends goin home....he's on his way over..it's like 1:30..so he'll prolly leave at 10:00....so maybe i'll get on after that...or i'll talk 2 ya alter on 2mrw..i'll be on between 1:00 and 3:00 2mrw (staurday aug.6th). ok...well, g2g!luv ya
Randy Huggins
Hey whats up thanks for the compliments
zappatta smith
hey..thats a cute pic of u and ur gf..im guessing thats who it is! write me back!
zappatta smith
hey sxc..........i like this pic.....ur hot!!! wish u lived in my town.......i'd date u in a heartbeat....jus dont know if u'd date me!! anyways....u asked me what sports i played......softball,volleyball and golf....i used 2 cheer but i dropped out! comment me back
zappatta smith
hey..i've been on here...hopin u'd get on 2nite...but u havent and im goin 2 bed....i really hope 2 talk 2 u soon! i miss u! email me...ok???!!!! and i'll be on here saturday at like 3:00.....and i'll be on myspace....i'll check my email 2mrw 2 c if u've emailed me or anything! luv ya....4ever!
Michael Cruz
um.. i play football, soccer, baseball, and i run xc and track.. lol do u play any sports? :shock:
zappatta smith
i luv "living4jc247" 4 freakin ever!

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