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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/i-rock-u-rock-lets-hug
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Jennifer Moore
Emma Montogmery
hello i just wanted to say hi can i add u to my friends list well............ anyways i like your page :lol:
Jennifer Moore
excuse me?!...my screen name is off the chain man!...you just dont know what your talking about okay?...gosh!....so anyways....yeah summer is okay i had too much fun in Cali with my friends..so yeah and im getting a job hopefully within this week...so pray for me!
Andrew Baker
jenni? ok the sn you picked is wierd but ello there
Jennifer Moore
Muahha I am writing on my own wall..thts weired....anyways,...Hope yall like my page....especially FORREST GUMP!...I LUV HIM!...haha...so yeah check out my page and write on my wall yo! :shock:
Jasper Mansmith
Shelly Boo
That's cool! I just got back from Arizona! It was really fun! I have some pictures posted and I'm going to post more but...I hate uploading pics to this site! For some reason they won't work right unless I take them to paint shop and shrink them down or something! Plus they barely give you space to write about it! I'm running out of characters... :cry:
Shelly Boo
ahem...I said hey you IDIOT! How was your trip?
jordan massey
:D great just great kinda bored thougth!!lol :(
Jennifer Moore
Well....thanks for requesting me as a buddy.....so how are ya? :?:
jordan massey
:D im a new chick lookin 4 friends :!:
Jennifer Moore
hey who is this?
Jennifer Moore
Hey dood!..OMG This Summer has turned out ot be the most boring thing ever ecept when I was out of STATE!..Omg I wanna go back to Cali and you can come too...muahhaa!...so yeah anyways. Can't wait till Wednesday!....even though I just saw Ya'll last night....man..!anyways..lets make a date for Paneara Bread this coming up week okay? ...luv ya! :D
Jasper Mansmith
LOL okay...I'm very curious about it, especially if Ricardo says that's it way better than Publix subs lol. So yeah let's see if we can go lol. It will be our day date...haha...Panera Bread here we come...
Jasper Mansmith
LOL okay...I'm very curious about it, especially if Ricardo says that's it way better than Publix subs lol. So yeah let's see if we can go lol. It will be our day date...haha...Panera Bread here we come...

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