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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/johnny-tompkins
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Johnny Tompkins
chantel collette
well lubby boy why is it that you are so...how do i put it..\"mature\" now. your like mega not epic. jk =] but you are still my friend. Oh and almost forgot there toots i need to hook you up with some picss where your actually smiling :/ i think you could use some. Well have a dandilicious day! :D
chantel collette
Hey there bud. How are you, digesting that dairy queen well or are you too worked up about algebra homework... Well I beat you at copter and hmm.. Everything else haha because you just can\'t beat me I\'m too good. Have a nice day lub. 8]
autumn knucklehead
Pathetic. Johnny I\'m not talking about you.
chantel collette
you rfont is white! its so stupid. i think you need help
Jared Mckenzie
ur backround\'s dull and ur pic...lol:)
chantel collette
chantel collette
you are such a rebel...wow
Jared Mckenzie
hey johnny you have such a dull backround.... oh p.s. im at your church and not setting up for the dinner... lol
ABBy *******
Hey johnny!!how u doin??
chantel collette
mmm.your picture¿ luv it(hahaaa) im not laughing
emily ryan
JOHNAYY not on the tops? pffft. your 3rd! lol hmb i love youuuuuuuu
autumn knucklehead
wutever u feel like
Johnny Tompkins
We have to stay led by fire
autumn knucklehead
u shuld rite sum blogs :D

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