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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/kye785
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Kye Dittman
Hello the few ppl who actually read this :p I\'m back, and I\'ll be on almost every night from here on out if u ever wanna talk :)
Hailey Gallop
Heyy! Im Haileyy(: Nice to meet yah.
Kye Dittman
yeah, no problem I check it out when I\'m actually on :) no offence I just don\'t get on very regularly :):)
MyPraize Band
thanks for the add. keep in touch. let me know what you think about the tunes. music, testimony, and more on the website. -jeremy- www.jeremyledgewood.com
Kye Dittman
Hey all sorry I\'ve been out of touch for spoooo long, don\'t know when i\'ll be able get back so ttyl, peace out :);););)
Kye Dittman
Woah sweet I\'m like on your top eight
Kye Dittman
hey my VERY short brother!
Kye Dittman
HEY!!! my very short brother
Tanner Lang
hey my very big pain in the butt brother
Kye Dittman
hey hey watz goin on my long lost friend?????? ;) :)
Kye Dittman
yupp surrrrre
Tanner Lang
im counting down the days till im there oh brother of mine hope ur insurance covers picking stupid fights syndrome :P
Kat waddell
Kat waddell
Kat waddell
hey your not on the top.

My {{hash}}

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