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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/the1ulove
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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brandon cochrane
more rats
brandon cochrane
lots of ratsx
brandon cochrane
brandon cochrane
lauren volpe
dude what did i say?
lauren volpe
ooo so is ur brother garret??? because u have the same last name?
lauren volpe
dude ur family like has the CURSE OF CUTENESS! JOSH\'S COUSIN GARRET IS CUTE
brandon cochrane
WILL NOT FORGET THE ONES WHO DIED. WE WILL NOT FORGET THE SACRIFICE. WE WILL NOT FORGET OUR TROOPS. SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001 Lest we forget... Repost this to honor 9/11 victims and families.
Daniel ??????
Chk oUt my KNew BG :wink:
Daniel ??????
Whatz Up Bro whatS knew 8)
Daniel ??????
CooL BackRound Dog ITs awsome :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :wink: :wink: :wink: 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: : :) :) :D :D
Daniel ??????
Dude whatz ^ I neW U liKe My MusIC 8)
Whitney Baker
hey wats up my friend how r ya go on chat so ya can talk wit me r u can send me a message and talk to me that way instead and sorry about not answering all ur ummm messages ok bye bye :lol:
Daniel ??????
Cool bakround 8)
Daniel ??????
YO bro chk oUT my NeW muSIC 8) 8)

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