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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/adgates
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Andrew Gates
Angela Elzey
hey wat up
Crystal Zimmerman
I\'m new too just thought I would spread my name around so I can make some friends my age 8)
Dani Harness
I just thought I would say HI!! I don't know you or anything...but thats ok..... I hope you have a fantastic week!!!!!!! DANI
Danielle Caplinger
hey.. you're cute :D
Andrew Gates
Hey! Whats up?
Grace K
Hey, I don't know you but saw that you were from Ks. I go to college near kansas. In oklahoma. So hi, I am Grace..
Sara Lindquist
Andrew Gates
Hey thanks. I appriciate the greeting. I actually joined so I could meet christian people...so it was nice to hear from you. What part of Minnesota are you from? My family has a cabin in Ely, Minnisota...I really like it up there. Anyway...again nice to hear from you. God bless - Andrew
charity matsen
hey, i just thought i would drop by and say hi!...i hope and pray tha tyour experience on mypriaze is one tha twill be uplifting and strengthen your walk!.....if you need any help or prayers just ask! God BLess~charity~
Elisha Lovejoy
welcome to mypraize, i am new too and just thought i wold write on your wall, have a blessed day!

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