


13 year(s) ago

I'm pretty much just furious right now. This will more than likely end up turning into a straight-up venting thread, but advice is gladly accepted. My family hasn't been a part of a church in several years. By several, I mean about five, I suppose. We've visited several, attended one for about a year and never joined, visited some more, and we've been going to a church for about a year or so now. I love this church. I love it so much. I've loved it from day one, and I feel like I'm home as soon as I walk through the door. I've prayed, and I feel like this is where God has lead me to be. I learn so much and I have become so much stronger in my faith since I began going there. This church has helped me through my absolute worst of times. Only problem is, my mother doesn't seem to like it. She's a very shy person. I know that she can't help it, but it tends to get aggravating. Her excuse for not liking this church is that she doesn't feel comfortable. Her reason for not feeling comfortable is that she "doesn't have any friends there". I told her to reach out a little bit and people would reach back. You can't just expect everyone there to walk up and introduce themselves and become friends with them automatically. It doesn't happen that way. I've explained to her that she needs to get up and introduce herself to others. For instance, when everyone gets up to shake hands and fellowship, she sits on her usual pew in the very back row and doesn't say a word while I socialize. How can anyone expect to become a part of a group that way? It's impossible. She seems to constantly find ways to keep me out of this church. No matter what, something seems to come up almost every Sunday. I've explained to her how I feel about this church. It doesn't seem to matter to her. She acts like I'm too young and too dumb to know what I'm talking about. She insists that I have to go with her tomorrow to visit a different church. I'm not okay with that. Sure, I would be open to it if she wasn't forcing it upon me and if I had been to my Home lately. In the past three months, I've been to about four church services and one Sunday school class. I just don't get it. I'm finally finding a place where I'm happy and comfortable and she's taking it away from me. :( EDIT** I kind of sounded self-centered above. I know that it's not all about me. I know that it's about the family, but it just seems that my mom isn't taking any consideration whatsoever into what I need, ya know?


13 year(s) ago

So she'll not just let you go to that church while she goes to another?


13 year(s) ago

Nope. Tried reasoning through that with her too.


13 year(s) ago

Well...that doesn't make any sense. *hug* I'm sorry Bananananana. I don't think you sound self-centered. It's important to find a church you can be a part of and in join in community with, and it's totally understandable that you wouldn't want to just spend your time hopping around.


13 year(s) ago

*hug* I'm glad you understand. It's just... frustrating. And I can't seem to do anything about it, which makes it worse.


13 year(s) ago

I know the feeling. My family often went to different churches than the one I wanted to go to. It's definitely frustrating.

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