
Amazing 3D stereoscopic Christian Movie Project


8 year(s) ago

Everyone is a critic, of course, and I hope this social site doesn't get trolled, but I think most people can agree that this is a worthy project once you got to (click on this address) www.BraveryMovie.com and see the 4-MINUTE 3D TRAILER. I think it;s great, but whether you like it or not, it certainly is elaborate enough! If you are on the fence about donating to these people, think this: Can I afford the coat of a single movie ticket to get a genuinely original and valuable Christian movie get made? Hollywood and the big money on the east and west coasts - all anti-Christian areas -  will never get behind this project, that's for sure. It will take YOU. If you can truly afford nothing, then please share it everywhere but it is definitely being censored on Twitter and Facebook, so don;t bother posting in those places. Email and other social media and chat sites are great. A few of us so far have decided to get behind this for nothing. These people mean it. Please take a look. www.BraveryMovie.com

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)