
Another name on my list


13 year(s) ago

I just got done watching Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. I have 3 things to say about them... 1) My word I haven't watched a movie/s that have had that much swearing and sexual content in them in a long time! 2) I defiantly appreciated that Colin Firth's characters last name was Darcy! He makes one fine Darcy... 3) Man, Colin Firth is a good actor and mighty good looking too! In a kind of unsocial, quirky way of course. He has made it onto my very short list of what I guess you'd call Hollywood crushes; his companion being Jason Statham.


13 year(s) ago

You know Colin Firth IS Mr Darcy, right?


13 year(s) ago

Yes, hence my number 2 comment.


13 year(s) ago

I haven't seen Bridget Jones but I agree with #3 :P

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