
Calling all writers of any kind


17 year(s) ago

Am I crazy? You tell me. Do you guys get so wrapped up in the lives of your own charactors, that you actually find yourself talking like them, acting like them, or even crying and laughing out loud as u write about them? Please tell me I am not the only one. lol.


17 year(s) ago

Sorry...but I can't relate. But I've only written a few things, and most of them aren't fiction so...:). But you said writers of any kind so that's why I'm answering. I often do this with books I read though, so I don't think you're crazy.


17 year(s) ago

I write to,and I know how you feel somtimes I think I'm crazy to! And sometimes I'll be like why did I just do that! But NO your not crazy. :silly: :) ;)


17 year(s) ago

No, your not crazy, well maybe you are but that makes me crazy too. anyways, i have put my writing on hold till summer, because i have finals, in two weeks and all the teachers are loading us with homework right before then.


17 year(s) ago

no, sorry. i write, but it's just a hobby although i thnk it'd be coolz to get my current fiction/reality story published when i'm finished...but i'd HATE to be my character! her like really bites right now and she doesn't always handle it well...


17 year(s) ago

I've written on my skool newspaper for the last two years and i get soooo into it;)


17 year(s) ago

Im sure you have enough replies but, feeling the emotion in your own story is what makes your story so great. If you are feeling it and you are the writer, then how much do you think the reader is going to feel? I write poetry and am currently working on a book. And when i read it for the third and fourth time and still fill the same enthusiasm about it I know its good!:P lots of love Rebecca

Post edited by: Rianne9994, at: 2007/06/19 10:51


17 year(s) ago

Hey, thanks alot. I do get so into it with the hopes that my readers will get into it too. If you write without emotion, people will read it without emotion. Good luck on your book. But, judging by what you just told me, I think ull be fine.-Zona;)


17 year(s) ago

[b]Riptide91 wrote:[/b] [quote]Am I crazy? You tell me. Do you guys get so wrapped up in the lives of your own charactors, that you actually find yourself talking like them, acting like them, or even crying and laughing out loud as u write about them? Please tell me I am not the only one. lol.[/quote] I don't think you're crazy, I cannot relate, but I just think it's the sort of attachment you feel with your own characters. Kinda how you'd cry if you saw your kid sad like never before. I do though, find myself act like them, or talking like them. I guess it's just because of how attached you are.

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