
Can I just say...


13 year(s) ago

Ok, ladies. This is all coming from a 20 year old married woman. So I'm not some old lady trying to tell y'all how to live life. I'm barely older than most of you. :) Anyways, this is what I want to say: Please date as little as possible! If you can manage, and I know you can, don't date in high school. I say this because Now that I am married, I wish to high heaven that I could say that my husband is the only man I've ever dated. I wish he was the only man I've ever kissed, ever spent time with. I dated a guy in high school for two years. I thought we were going to get married. But every time I tried to picture the moment where I said "I do," I could not bring myself to say it. If I couldn't imagine saying I do, how could I say it in real life? That's two years that I could've been focused on school or my other friends. Two years that I can't take back. Did we do anything wrong in those two years? No, but I would have rather been able to tell my husband that he was my first kiss. That I had never spent much one on one time with anyone but him. Just something to think about. :) I know how exciting new romances can be. But looking back, there is only one romance that has not become hollow. Please remember this when you next desire a boyfriend.

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