
Captains Guide of What Not to do in Church Contest


17 year(s) ago

[size=4][/size] As Captain Jim, author of the book, Captain's Guide of what Not to do in Church, I am holding a contest in which you the person will post a story about something you have seen, heard, or done or thought about doing at church that goes by the theme of What Not to do in Church. The person with the best story (Something that will make my judges laugh, or is just very unique or intersting) will receive a free Captain's Guide book, autographed by Captain Jim. This contest does not have a exact date of when it will end, I will post more later on. But for a estimate, my contest will end either in March or April of 2007. Which will be a couple days before my scheduled book signing at Baptist Bible College. So be creative, you are welcome to post as many stories as you would like... please avoid any vulgar language or anything written that will be hurtful to others otherwise you will be disqaulified. The stoires will be judged by myself and my brother, and whoever I decide to judge the stories. Thankyou and enjoy this contest. Also, there may or may not be a bonus prize..... [img]http://www.mypraize.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/11151246.jpg[/img]

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)