
Christian concerts in bars...


12 year(s) ago

There is a concert coming to Tupelo with several Christian rock bands (Emery, Sent By Ravens, I Am Empire, and Icon For Hire). Thing is, it's in a bar. I've been to one Christian rock concert at a bar (Pillar, Decyfer Down, Day Of Fire, and The Showdown) and they shut down the alcohol for that day. I have been telling my Christian friends in hopes that they would go and create a big turnout for the concert this weekend to encourage the bar to put on more Christian concerts. Many of my friends are completely against it. They say that Christian bands have no business playing in a bar, whether or not they serve alcohol. I'm reminded that the religious people accused Jesus of being a drunkard because of him spending time with them. I imagine that if he was here today, that is exactly the atmosphere that he would be in, to reach the lost souls there. My question to you is: Do you think that Christian bands should play in bars? Do you think they should stay out of bars? Please explain your answer.


12 year(s) ago

I don't see why Christian bands should stay out of bars. If they are inviting a Christian band to come into a bar and bring the light of Christ with them, I think it's an opportunity. In absolute terms, since it's not wrong for Christians to drink, by extension it's not wrong for them to just be in a bar. Thus I don't see the issue. Now granted that doesn't mean that every Christian needs to attend that concert. Some will be convicted by their conscience about alcohol, some will be tempted, and they should stay away. You have a chance, perhaps, to tell your friends why you think the way you do (assuming you think it's okay) but of course in a nice way and without pressing the issue. It's an issue of liberty like Paul describes in (I think it is) 1 Corinthians 9. So for the sake of your friends and your own conscience you should weigh out what is proper for you. But in a general sense I have no problem with it, my brother is in a Christian band (and not in name only, their songs are about Jesus) and they have played in bars. I've played open mics in bars, though I've never drank. Those people are going to be in that bar, they may as well hear great music with positive lyrics! As an aside, Sent by Ravens and I Am Empire are GREAT and you should definitely go see them. I'm kind of upset I missed this show, myself. I had to work the night they came to Richmond...


12 year(s) ago

Christ went to the lepers when everyone else said to stay away.


12 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote] As an aside, Sent by Ravens and I Am Empire are GREAT and you should definitely go see them. I'm kind of upset I missed this show, myself. I had to work the night they came to Richmond...[/quote] I'm definitely going. And I'm taking some of the youth from my church :D


12 year(s) ago

Stryper, when they come to KC, they play at a club called The Boumont which is a bar. Matter of Fact, Great White played there and they were kicked out because their pyro was too much LOL! I think it was there anyway...could be wrong. Anyway, as you said, Kenneth, Christ hung out with tax collectors and sinners. Stryper said at one point in their prime that God said to be a light in a dark place...What better way to be a light in a dark place than for a Christian band to play in a bar?


12 year(s) ago

I agree with everyone else. Why shouldn't a Christian band play in bars? The point of using music to spread the Message is to draw in not only those who have already accepted Christ, but to also draw in those who haven't are looking for that Message of Love. So a Christian band playing in a bar? I'm all for it. If I was closer Kenneth, I would so go with you guys.


12 year(s) ago

[b]Cowgurl4JC wrote:[/b] [quote]I agree with everyone else. Why shouldn't a Christian band play in bars? The point of using music to spread the Message is to draw in not only those who have already accepted Christ, but to also draw in those who haven't are looking for that Message of Love. So a Christian band playing in a bar? I'm all for it. If I was closer Kenneth, I would so go with you guys.[/quote] Too late... The concert was just a few days after I posted the OP. But it was awesome!!! A line from one of I Am Empire's songs speaks to the reason they were having the concert at the bar. "We are the light wherever darkness breeds."

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