
Coach and Michael Scott


15 year(s) ago

Ok, after today's episode of Survivor, does anyone else see the connection between Coach on Survivor and Michael Scott from The Office? I mean, both of them have these wacky stories, these grandiose plans, these "deep thoughts" (or at least [i]they[/i] think they are deep), and delusions of grandeur. Coach's speech about "killing the dragon and taking off the dragon's head" and all that. Wow. And then talking about his "life and death situations" and paddling down the river in the Amazon. Remind anyone of The Office episode where Michael decides to go camping/surviving in the "wild"? I don't know. I just think it's hilarious! Thoughts?


15 year(s) ago

i know who coach is. but i dont watch the office


15 year(s) ago

LOL!! OMW! i would have never noticed that if you hadnt have told me! that's high-larious!

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