


15 year(s) ago

Several of the younger guys on here mention their problems with porn. I have said that I overcame it, and I give advice that a pastor gave me. "Read the book of Psalms, because it's impossible to maintain an erection while reading God's word." Yeah, that's good advice. The problem is, that I need to listen to that same advice. The truth is that I haven't overcame that addiction. Every night after I log out of mypraize, and the other Christian forums/ministry sites that I am involved in....I open up a porn site, then I go to my room and jerk off. It's almost as if it controls my life. I have taken a leave from the praise team at my church until I get it together. I know what I have to do to overcome it, but I guess I'm just asking for prayer from my brothers.


15 year(s) ago

we all have this problem- theres no denying that. i had to honestly try to find ways to get away from porn. this what i do to keep myself from porn. 1- Surround yourself with christian things, just little things like a cross background on your phone and computer, listening to christian radio stations when ur driving somewhere, hang bible verses in your locker at school, even put a verse on your notebooks at school. Keeps God on your mind. 2- read scripture daily and 3. pray alot.


15 year(s) ago

I'll be praying to bro


15 year(s) ago


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