
Copy machines and your privacy


14 year(s) ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pIFUOav2xE Check this out. I had no idea digital copymachines store copies of every image processed. talk about major security risk.


14 year(s) ago

That's very interesting considering every major bank uses hundreds of these copiers. The fact is that it's needed. If there's a power surge or an issue that causes a need to reboot the machine, there are anywhere from two documents to two hundred documents stored in the queue, waiting to be printed. For every individual to go back and figure out which item needs to be reprinted would cause a terrible backlog of documents that need to be processed.


14 year(s) ago

It's necessary, but no one knows its there. People get rid of their machines without scrubbing the hard drive and then every single document ever printed is compromised.

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