
Curious About Your Moments From God


12 year(s) ago

So, I'm new here, but here's some background on me: I've grown up in church, got officially baptized and all that good stuff when I was 12, fully believe that God is my Father and Jesus is His Son, and my Savior who died for me, and live a pretty average Christian girl life. I was talking to one of my closest Christian girl friends the other day about how other people seem to "hear" God speak to them, or that they can "feel" when God wants them to do something. Both of us are, and I'm a little biased toward myself I guess, really good Christians. I know God is always with me, and when I read my Bible or listen to sermons I generally feel comforted in the verses or know that's something I needed to hear, but I can't say I've really experienced on of these "hearing" or "feeling" moments... We both feel a little worried that we're inadvertently doing something wrong or that we should be doing something better or working harder. Are we the only ones who seem to have no out of this world moments, or are there some more good children who just experience God in a different way? Thanks!! -Allison :)


12 year(s) ago

I feel like you guys. I don't think that God talks to people like he used to though....


12 year(s) ago

I think God is there when He needs to be. God doesn't need to prove his love and acceptance of you- He already did that with his son. He doesn't need to prove that He exists, or faith wouldn't exist. However, I believe that when a person is truly in need in a situation that they just can't handle, in those times that you are broken, or in danger, or need to do something for the Kingdom, then He will step in. However, those everyday moments are where faith comes in. For me, I've had a few experiences. The first was when I was a child, and I honestly don't remember the experience first hand, but it did happen. I was attacked by a pit bull. He was going to rip me apart, in full attack mode and everything. He was running, and right before he lept at me, he suddenly slammed on the breaks, yelped and whimpered and ran full speed away with his tail right between his legs. My parents had to watch this, they were too far away to get to me. When my dad asked what happened, why the dog stopped, I said, "Daddy, did you really not see the angel stop him?" I also struggled with fairly severe depression my freshman year of high school. It got to the point that i couldn't sleep at night because of the pain, physical as well. after about 9 months of this, I caved in and just cried out to God from my bed one night, and just told Him I was done, and begged him to do something. That night, and for months after, every time I'd fall in that hole, I literally felt like I was being cradled like a baby. The arms were large, warm, and comforting, and they took away that pain entirely. They're gone now, it's been years, but there were there when I needed them most. Another was at work, I worked for a Christian bookstore, and was still fighting to get past my depression, and get out of a lot of things. A man walked in, I don't know where he came from, but he was clean and too well dressed to be in a mall. He walked up and simply told me (very matter-of-fact) that he had been instructed by God to tell me that if I stay in my Bible, and stay in prayer, that I'll be okay. I don't know who this man is. I said thanks for the advice, of course, and turned for a moment to put a book on the counter behind me. When I turned back around a couple seconds later, he was gone. I was totally alone in the store again. I can tell you right now that these are situations that never should have been, and I've never actually heard a voice of God, I just felt his presence, or witnessed a messenger of some kind. I was in dire need when they happened, and average human intervention was not enough. God steps in where his church cannot. You see, I think you forget that the church is the body of Christ, that we are sent to do His good work in His name. What you may pass off for being a pastor, a child, or a church-lady, may be God's message to you for that day. He is not silent, He is not gone, and you haven't done something wrong to make him "silent" towards you. Perhaps the opposite of what you think is happening. You say you're in the Bible, in church, and in prayer... You're going to God faithfully, and you are thriving in His care. Perhaps you are doing things right, and he doesn't need to intervene in an extreme way... just in the little ways in life. Remember, God doesn't ignore his children. He wants to see you thrive, grow, and tend the garden. Like in school, if you get an A, or a B, the teacher doesn't call home to report it and tell you to do better. However, if you're failing out of school and you need serious help, you can guarantee a message will get through somehow with guidance.


12 year(s) ago

In Scripture we see that God speaks chiefly through the preaching of His Word and the offering of His Supper and Baptism. And Romans says that His love is chiefly demonstrated not in "mystical experiences" or "God moments" but in the giving of His Son for us. So no, you shouldn't feel left out for not having an experiential thing. And please don't think that you're not "good" enough for them. Nobody is good. But Christ descended to us and rescued us anyways.


12 year(s) ago

I know a man who was a Christian; but didn't "feel" saved. Salvation isn't an emotional feeling. It's a knowing that's just in you, like from the Holy Spirit. Beware Christians who say that they feel or don't feel saved or God in their lives. "Feeling" is an emotional high or low they're riding. Emotions can trick you.

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