
Dear MyPraize


10 year(s) ago

Thank you. I would not be the person I am today without you. Without this humble internet forum I would be a completely different person. The people that made this website so special helped me grow in so many ways. You were there through all the heartache that is 8th-10th grade. You were there when I didn't know the difference between your and you're. You taught me so much about being a functioning Christian. You answered my questions and listened to me rant. I feel so blessed that I was able to have all of your influence on my life I don't know where else I would have had the chance to get to know so many diverse people from so many walks of life that was safe. I pray that a knew group of people will bring life to this old site and they will grow together the way we all have. Thank you so much Admins and amazing members for helping me through life. I can't wait to meet most of you up in heaven I wish it was all (I'm still praying for you dante) Christine


10 year(s) ago

You are truly a lovely little fool to waste your thoughts on me after all this time. And it has been such a long time. May you always live in peace and happiness my dear. I remember. Dante

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