
Disciple Making is Our Purpose


17 year(s) ago

The purpose of the Church is to make disciples, and evangelize. The Church is required by God to take the Gospel into all the world, preaching it to every nation (Matthew 28). Our big issue that needs to be addressed is that we all need to partake in this endeavor. The mindset of the Church needs to change, and the individuals in the Church need to wake up to the fact that each individual follower of Christ is held accountable for this commission. Today, too many people have the concept that it is the job of the pastor to present the Gospel to the unsaved. When we think of helping someone come to know God, and come into the place of repentance, and acceptance of Christ, we bring them to church to hear the pastor. The purpose of the Church is feed, grow, and harvest. However, the harvest should be mature disciples. We should not view the harvest of the Church as harvesting new converts. New converts are the harvest of individuals within the Church, and not the product by which we measure the Church as a whole. What really needs to happen is that the Church needs to realize that the “Church” is the people, not the building and the pastor. We are the Church. We are responsible for the Harvest! We simply need to do what we are commanded to do. We do not need to be theologians, and philosophers, we need only to be followers of Christ, and to demonstrate His example to all people. The role of leadership is to nurture, and feed the Church so that we may all grow to a place where we can feed others. Just as a mother and father raise and feed their children to a place where they are mature and able to leave, lead their own life, and then reproduce, and have their own family. This is a basic concept that the leaders of the Church needs to fulfill within the Body today. They need to be bringing up leaders to a place of maturation, and thus they can lead others, and duplicate their effect. God desires a person with a heart to follow Him. It is plain to see that Jesus always looked at and knew the heart of those He chose to be disciples. While we are all called, and we all need to commit to Him, we need to have our hearts right before we undertake the discipling process. It is through this apprenticing process that the mission will be fulfilled and be then it will continue to carry on throughout the entire body.

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