
eh soo...I lost my best friend randomly


12 year(s) ago

I was so close to this girl and we were planning on dating and all of a sudden last week she just called me and told me she doesn't think we should date and we can't be friends last week. she said she still likes me and that theres a tiny chance we might have another chance, but she doesn't want me to have any hope of it. We've been really good friends for at least a year, and i've know her for 2 years. We helped each other grow in God and we were so good for each other. All of our friends and family thought we were perfect for each other. The week before she called, she told me she hoped I was the one. She was planning to go to my church. We had so many plans this summer. She enjoyed me so much. Everything was point upward. And all of a sudden she threw it all away. I'm devastated of course. it just doesn't make sense. My family is confused, and the friends I've told don't understand how she could have done this. I told her all I could think of. I told I was here for her, that I cared for her, that shes always welcome to change her mind, shes always welcome to hang out with me and go to my church. I made it all clear, but she just shut down. Shes literally being hostile. I asked her if she was sure she didn't want to come to my church and she said "there's nothing for me there". instead shes a church closer to her. its so unlike her. I've asked her friends if shes ok, but so far none of them seem to have talked to her. It just makes no sense, I keep thinking that she has to return; that this just a weird phase, but I try to hush that thought because I know better than to raise hope. at first I tried talking to her to get the friendship going, but I realize I wasn't helping the situation so now I'm giving her space. I'm not going to talk to her for a week atleast. I'm going to focus on healing my heart and getting over it; I'm trying to focus on getting myself completely satisfied in God. I know before the relationship could ever heal I must heal myself. I believe I can get the friendship back, but the chances of me actually dating and marrying her are very slim. I just wonder if there's any advice you guys could give me. Is there anything I could do to help her, anything I could do to help myself, and anything I could to do restore the relationship?


12 year(s) ago

Did you ask her [i]why[/i]? Even if she doesn't want to talk to you ever again, she at least owes you an explanation of why the sudden change in feelings. And if she won't, she's probably not the type of person you'd want to commit to anyway. As for coping with it and recovering...probably the best thing I could say is to give it time.


12 year(s) ago

she talked to me yesterday and told me she felt God was telling her to do what shes doing. I don't understand that because I'm not getting that. We talked for a while. I really don't know how to feel. I can't help but to hope. this week I have been realizing how much stuff I was doing wrong and I strongly feel as though if we got back together it would be so much better. I have learned so much this past week. Something in me tells me this is what will make our relationship, that in a few weeks or days she will feel like its times to come back and we will be stronger. I have so much hope that its scares me. Yet.... I can't hang on this, I have to prepare for the worst. This could be the end. I'm trying to pray, focus on other things, be patience, and stay neutral. But its so hard!!!

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