
Election Predictions


15 year(s) ago

This thread is for different peoples predictions for the election. I just thought that this would be interesting.... oh yes! The closest person can have a cookie! So fire away and laugh at me all you want! I'm going to give McCain the win. And a more solid win than most may expect also. One state could change it, but it is a win nonetheless.... McCain/Palin - 295 Obama/Biden - 243 What do y'all think?


15 year(s) ago

[b]gonewsboys wrote:[/b] [quote]laugh at me all you want![/quote] I told you that i sound like a complete idiot. I'm not trusting the polls. I'm going with my gut on this one. And my gut tells me that McCain will win. By how much? I have no idea. That was just an uneducated guess. But laugh all you want Dante. :laugh: Obama will defeat McCain the same way that Dewey defeated Truman. Sometimes i do wonder if I am sane though....


15 year(s) ago

Im going to say it's reallllllyyyyy pppaaaiinnnfffuuulllyyy close. That being said- if McCain wins (which i hope he does) it'll be close Electoral College: 271-269 Popular Vote: 51%-49% I pick McCain to win but BARELY. If he loses then I guess that's that. I'm moving to Canada.


15 year(s) ago

Yea, your right. How about Ireland? You never hear about Ireland. No wars, or terrorist attacks, or anything. Just a peaceful place. I think I'll open a bakery there. How nice would that be? My biggest decision in life would be what time to open and close my store.

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