
Five Most Beautiful/Handsome People


13 year(s) ago

What a coincidence...my brother got the second season on Bluray. :P Y'know I'd completely forgotten about that in The X-Files. Makes sense in a twisted way.


13 year(s) ago

Hmm...I think I'll switch this up a bit by choosing my top picks from everyone else's lists. :P In order of posts: 1. BrotherReed - I gotta go with Christina Hendricks as my top pick from your list (not counting Scully, of course, since she already made my list). I was skeptical until I ran an image search. I admit I'm not always particularly fond of her hairstyle, but when she gets a good one, she's quite the looker. Also, your picture for Gillian Anderson was my first choice as a pic, but I thought I'd switch it up with a harder to find one...I still can't decide which she looks more attractive in, though. 2, Owlright - The choice is clear. Few men throughout the history of cinema can exude the humble charm possessed by Jimmy Stewart. He's tall, handsome, intelligent, and classy. What more could you possibly want? :P 3. Jekkie - This was also a fairly easy choice for me: Kristen Bell. You know the first time I saw her? [url=http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/2181/1254428074.jpg]When I played Assassin's Creed[/url]. Later, when I saw her in real life and couldn't figure out where I recognized her...I felt so nerdy once it hit me. The resemblance is uncanny. Anyways, in the process of trying to figure out what I knew her from, I had run an image search. Honestly, there's something about her face that just makes her look like the sweetest person. I have no idea if she's really nice or anything, but it's just the way she looks and smiles...it's impossible to not like her. 4. RainOnYourParade - I'm obligated to say David Tennant, as he's my doppelganger. :P Really though, before the resemblance was pointed out to me, I thought he was a pretty good lookin' guy. I was particularly enamored with [url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/gallery/s2_02gallery/1024/doctor2.jpg]the style he exhibited in his role as The Doctor[/url]. I unintentionally replicated this in an old Facebook photo which I seem to have misplaced. :P And until more people post...that's all. :)


13 year(s) ago

[b]RainOnYourParade wrote:[/b] [quote] [b]David Tennant[/b] [img size=150]http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j317/PoisonedWhip/doctor_who___david_tennant_by_jenni.jpg[/img][/quote] QFT FTW Although, that's not my favorite picture of him.

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