
Getting discouraged and Giving Up.


13 year(s) ago

I saw the heart doctor last week, and now I'm stuck on a heart monitor. She took an ultrasound of my heart, and found other issues on top of whatever is causing my chest pains. I have a slight murmur, Mitral Valve Prolapse, and a leak in my aorta. Not really sure what they're gonna do about that at this point, but they're still testing to see what's causing my pains. I have to go back November 8th and have a stress test and blood work done. I'm hoping for some news, but I really just don't know what to expect. Today is a bad day. I'm feeling more discouraged now than I ever have. I'm tired of this stupid little monitor, and I feel horrible. I haven't slept, and I can't get any rest. I've pretty much been in a "just let whatever it is kill me and get it over with" mood all day. I feel like no one is here with me to pull me through, and I feel like I'm just not making it. I need you guys. Badly. I'm tired of pain, being worn out, tests, and just being sick. =/


13 year(s) ago

Love you, Ksyla! I'm definitely praying for you, dear... *big shiny hug*


13 year(s) ago

:( if I had an oreo right now, I'd totally give it to you. (oreos always make my day brighter)


13 year(s) ago

*hugs you tightly* You know that all of us love you more than we could say Kayla! Will be praying for you :/


13 year(s) ago

*hugs all of you* Thanks. And as for the Oreos... icky. Unless they're the golden oreos. ;)


13 year(s) ago

ah, my bad. Well...if I had a golden oreo right now... ;)


13 year(s) ago

Thanks, guys. It means a lot. *hugs* I love you all!

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)