
Harry Potter


17 year(s) ago

[color=#FF6600]Who thinks Harry Potter is wrong to read?[/color]:unsure: :S :unsure:


17 year(s) ago

and whats so wrong about it?


17 year(s) ago

I think that Harry Potter is very wrong to read. I mean it's all about witchcraft, and even the movies are wrong to watch. That is also full of witchcraft


17 year(s) ago

Like I've said before, IT'S NOT REAL WITCHCRAFT!!! I would know it's not 'cause a friend of mine has another friend who is Wiccan and the witchcraft doesn't work like how it's portrayed in Harry Potter, at least as far as I'm concerned! The author of the Harry Potter series is Catholic, so how could Satan be behind it? She was just looking for a book that would entertain all age groups (mostly at least young adults), she wasn't looking to pollute the world with sin! The books have helped to pull her out from a life of poverty and have put joy in many people's lives. If people had been so enchanted by Harry Potter that it had started causing them to do witchcraft, it would have been on the news just like all the stuff about myspace was on the news. It is not doing what many people are saying it's doing (look back to the stuff on the news. If it was on the news, you would have proof of it polluting kid's minds, but it hasn't been on the news). It is not banned in the Bible, it's not on the news, so why is it wrong?


17 year(s) ago

I_am_saved_08, I have looked up all there is to say about witchcraft in the Bible and the Scriptures tell us not to do witchcraft, not to associate with people who do witchcraft, and not to look to witchcraft for answers. None of us are looking to Harry Potter for answers, none of us are associating with witches by reading it, and none of us are looking for answers by reading it. Like FiberglassButterfly said, Harry Potter does not use real witchcraft, so no one is endorsing witchcraft by using Harry Potter. A lot of us like Harry Potter because of the plot line, WE ARE NOT SAYING WITCHCRAFT IS COOL OR GOOD!


17 year(s) ago

That is kinda a disturbing story but it's not true. I know that 'cause a good friend of mine has another friend who is Wiccan, and they don't use any spells that are contained in the Harry Potter books. Harry Potter doesn't use real witchcraft at all! If it used real witchcraft, my parents wouldn't allow me to read the stories and watch the movies!


17 year(s) ago

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Post edited by: Thunder, at: 2006/12/17 14:14


17 year(s) ago

I <3 Harry Potter! lol I really do enjoy reading the books, they are really well written books. And I think if people will understand thats just what they are then it would be less of a controversy.


17 year(s) ago

I love Harry Potter


17 year(s) ago

I personally think that Harry Potter isn't a bad thing to read unless your like really beleive in withcraft like that and stuff....As long as you KNOW that it's a fiction book it's alright to read..:)

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