
Have you had your rights violated as a Christian?


17 year(s) ago

[b]SmilinBob wrote:[/b] [quote][b]so_cdog wrote:[/b] [quote][b]SmilinBob wrote:[/b] [quote]Man my school experience is almost the opposite of yours, I had a teacher reading the bible in one of my classes. And I always have to sit and listen to the politically philosophy of my teachers which I never agreed with. I have had a teacher tell me that there is no evidence to support evolution. Where any of my rights violated? No. And neither were yours.[/quote] Your rights weren't violated. You weren't forced to do anything against what you believe. Also, people have freedom of speech (within reason.) People have the right to share what they believe.[/quote] Ok, so you agree withe me then.[/quote] I agree that your rights weren't violated, but I believe that ours were. We've been punished for not doing something against our beliefs.


17 year(s) ago

"We've been punished for not doing something against our beliefs." What?


17 year(s) ago

We've been forced to write papers about evolution. As Christians, we believe that God created the entire universe, not that a bunch of chemicals mixed up into a "DNA soup." Also, we've been punished for handing out tracts at school. We have a right to hand out religous materials at school, and when we use this right, often we're punished. Also, I just want to say that I'm not trying to make you or anyone else angry. But I strongly believe in a Creator, especially one who gave up His own life for me. If you ever want to discuss that with me, go ahead! It's the best thing that ever happened.


17 year(s) ago

As I said earlier writing a paper on something you disagree with is a normal thing, so you are hardly losing your rights. As for your handing out of religious materials think of it from the schools perspective they don't want to be seen as supporting a religion, so they don't allow students to hand out religious materials, no one can stop you from handing them out off of school grounds, even the schools a public property they have more rules than everywhere else. For example I can walk down the street cursing all I want, but you can't do it at school.


17 year(s) ago

You made some points there, and I understand why schools are cautious about Christians handing out tracks. But the thing is, we have legal rights to do these things...(I'm considering being a lawyer, that's why I keep saying "legal rights.") For instance, if someone shoplifts from Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart employees have a right to call the police. They may not decide to call the police, and that's their business. But the point is, they have a legal right to call the police. And at school, we have a legal right to distribute Christian material or not write papers about things that go against our religion, aka evolution. We may not decide to use our right, but we still have it.


17 year(s) ago

How is writing a paper on evolution against your religion?


17 year(s) ago

Chrisitans believe this:God made the universe in six days. Nothing else. Basically, God said "Light!" and there was light. He said "Birds!" and birds were formed. You can see what Christians believe about creation by checking out Genesis 1. Now, if someone told a Christian, "You are going to write a paper about evolution," then this goes against our religion because we know that God made the heavens and earth, not that it evolved without any help from Christ. Btw, you and I could agrue about this all day long. I believe strongly in God, and what He has done. I wish you would believe to, and feel free to discuss it with me. But as for now, I'm tired of arguing. :)


17 year(s) ago

I still don't see how witting a paper on evolution is against your religion. Just because you write about something does not mean you support it or believe in it. I am not trying to argue evolution.


17 year(s) ago

[b]SmilinBob wrote:[/b] [quote]I still don't see how witting a paper on evolution is against your religion. Just because you write about something does not mean you support it or believe in it.[/quote] he's right here.... I had to write something for the MCAS on evolution.... I made very good use of the term "theory" and the word "supposedly" or "theories states" or "the accepted opinion of many"..... writing a paper on something doesnt mean you agree with it

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