
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!


16 year(s) ago

i need advice. someone help me. i'm in a class for middle school girls at my church. and the teacher is, like all teachers, mean. BUT... this teacher told my father that i was passing notes in class about boys and sex. but i didn't. and it has been a few weeks since she said that, but i still am really mad about it, and i don't know what to do. someone help me.


16 year(s) ago

Umm... if the teacher purposely told your father that you were doing something you weren't in order to get you in trouble, report him to the principal... Either that or you're not sharing all the details.


16 year(s) ago

there is no principal!!!! it is at church not skool


16 year(s) ago

[b]abbey_95 wrote:[/b] [quote]i need advice. someone help me. i'm in a class for middle school girls at my church. and the teacher is, like all teachers, mean. BUT... this teacher told my father that i was passing notes in class about boys and sex. but i didn't. and it has been a few weeks since she said that, but i still am really mad about it, and i don't know what to do. someone help me.[/quote] Perhaps it's time to sit down with your Dad and just "come clean" about the incident. If you weren't passing notes, tell your Dad that you weren't passing them. If the teacher states they were about inappropriate subjects, then ask your Dad to request to see the "offending" notes.


16 year(s) ago

i have tried that. but i will ask him to ask 2 seee the notes. BUT even if she did have the notes, she wouldnt keep them. probly.

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