
Hillary\'s Four Goals


16 year(s) ago

Hillary Clinton has laid out her four goals for if she is elected to be President of the United States. 1. Restore America's standing in the world 2. Rebuild America's middle class 3. Reform our government 4. Reclaim our future for our children [size=1]-taken from Glenn Beck's email list-[/size] so... I find number 1 and number 3 the scariest, with goal number 2 close behind. Any thoughts? I mean really, if Hillary would win, I'd seriously consider either moving to the wilderness to wait it out or just going to a different country. well, if I was old enough. -edit- or if there were any other countries that were any better.

Post edited by: serfofChrist92, at: 2007/09/04 11:48


16 year(s) ago

I totally agree. Hillart scares me, not to mention that she makes me gag.


16 year(s) ago

I don't trust any democratic women.Granholm promised a great economy and a great plan for Michigan.And Yet the Michigan goverment had to shut down yesterday.:angry:

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