
Human Weapon


16 year(s) ago

Has anyone in here seen the series Human Weapon? The season just ended on the History Channel (of all places) I think. But it is a really good show. Two guys travel the world to study a different martial art every week. They study that form for a week and then they have a fight with a local expert in that form. The two guys who do it are Jason Chambers (a professional mixed martial arts fighter here in the US) and Bill Duff (a former linebacker for the Tamba Bay Buccaneers and also a former wrestler). It hasn't been on for a few weeks and I don't know when or even if it is coming back. It was airing at 10pm on Fridays up until a few weeks ago. But I really liked watching it. Has anyone else in here seen this show?


16 year(s) ago

i love that show

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