
I can not look at the bathroom the same.


13 year(s) ago

As I was reading The Guinea Pig Diaries by A. J. Jacobs and, well, read for yourself... "Cliche: Men leave the toilet seat up. Not true. I put the seat down, and not just out of chivalry. Out of hygiene. As a mild OCD sufferer, I've always shut the toilet cover before flushing, for fear of unseen mist. Then, just a few weeks ago, I read a review of a book called The Big Necessity, a cultural history of the bathroom. That took things to a new level. It said - and here's a spoiler alert: very unpleasant information coming up- that "aiming a stream of urine at a toilet bowl sends a fine spray around the room... which leaves a chemical deposit on anything surrounding the urinal. It can also change the color of the wallpaper." Oh man. The book said that there's a vogue among German men to sit down when they pee. So as a mini-experiment, I've been trying the German style for the last week or so. My wallpaper color looks stable, and, as Larry David once pointed out, you get a little time to read. Okay, moving on."


13 year(s) ago

haha wow. i guess ive never been in the bathroom long enough to have time to read. get in, get out, get on with my bad self


13 year(s) ago

especially while urinating. maybe if you have a long poop to take or something. so basically we need new mechanisms to urinate into?


13 year(s) ago

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNCoevpt5TE]....Against The Wall[/url]


13 year(s) ago

no, i dont take long poops. i said 'get in, get out, get on with my bad self.' ;)


13 year(s) ago

[b]rami009 wrote:[/b] [quote]no, i dont take long poops. i said 'get in, get out, get on with my bad self.' ;)[/quote] Your tellin' me you've never had a serious heart to heart (or more accurately bowel to bowl) session with The Throne? Dude, one time I totally OD'd on Fiber One cereal...man I crapped harder than ever that day. One of 'em ended up taking about half an hour. It was ridiculous. Shoot, back when I was on mandatory overtime, working 66 hours a week at a desk job, I definitely fell asleep on the toilet. It was kinda funny though...I just walk back in, looking all sheepish. My coworker's like, "There you are! We thought you fell in." To which I explained what took me so long. Another coworker heard me and yelled out, "Totally called it!"


13 year(s) ago

On a related note... http://www.gocomics.com/basicinstructions/2010/10/06/


13 year(s) ago

i have never been on the toilet for a half hour haha. ive always kind of kept my system clean for the most part i think....


13 year(s) ago

I've fallen asleep on the crapper before too. And as it turns out, it's a great place to get away and contemplate life for the short 5-15 minutes you're on there. :P


13 year(s) ago

I always take my time. If people try to rush that kind of thing, I'd give them a look like "you're trying to control THIS?" Anyway, I also prefer to sit, unless the seat is just freakin' gross.

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