
I\'ve come to a decision


13 year(s) ago

I've come to a decision that the guys at my university need to be more subtle in how they check out girls. When you get caught starring/following a girl and she catches your eye, the nice thing would be to smile. That is all.


13 year(s) ago

Yeah...you'd think they'd be more subtle about, but hey...they're guys...don't expect too much. LOL


13 year(s) ago

I never notice when guys are looking at me in such a way, but my mother apparently does. It creeps me out, especially since I am older than junior high boys.


13 year(s) ago

[b]KattyKit wrote:[/b] [quote]I never notice when guys are looking at me in such a way, but my mother apparently does. It creeps me out, especially since I am older than junior high boys.[/quote] XD Apparently 25 year olds liked to check me out when I was 14... O.o


13 year(s) ago

Hahahaha! I've been studying with a guy friend in the library today. I got up and went for a walk to the loo and when I got back I was told that I should wear dresses more often because guys have been noticing me. This was followed by slightly awkward conversations/comments the rest of the day in which he was trying to tell me I look pretty today but trying not to let it come across the wrong way. Very funny!


13 year(s) ago

Sounds kind of like an experience I had. I was a teacher's aide my second semester this past year, and I worked as a receptionist in the guidance office of the school during lunch hour. I had on shorts one day that were pretty short, but not inappropriately "butt is hanging out" short. I was leaned up on the counter signing some papers and the guy that was also an aide during that time walked in (late of course! Ugh, males) and said "How 'bout you wear those shorts a little shorter? Wait.. no. Not like that. Like... I'm trying to aggravate you over your shorts... not shorter... they're short enough. No. Just... never mind." :P He's the type that always likes to give me a hard time and aggravate me as much as possible, but we still manage to keep our friendship afloat.


13 year(s) ago

[b]NinjaUnicorn wrote:[/b] [quote]Sounds kind of like an experience I had. I was a teacher's aide my second semester this past year, and I worked as a receptionist in the guidance office of the school during lunch hour. I had on shorts one day that were pretty short, but not inappropriately "butt is hanging out" short. I was leaned up on the counter signing some papers and the guy that was also an aide during that time walked in (late of course! Ugh, males) and said "How 'bout you wear those shorts a little shorter? Wait.. no. Not like that. Like... I'm trying to aggravate you over your shorts... not shorter... they're short enough. No. Just... never mind." :P He's the type that always likes to give me a hard time and aggravate me as much as possible, but we still manage to keep our friendship afloat.[/quote] That's a fail so epic, it's almost a win. XD When I was a freshman, I decided to dress up real nice the day we got out for Christmas break. Nice skirt, blouse, heels, even makeup ;) Then, at some point during the day, someone stuck a Christmas bow on my head. Later that day, two guys at different times said, "You look like a present. Can I unwrap you?" "You look like a present. I want to take you home and stick you under the tree." XD


13 year(s) ago

Guys are funny.


13 year(s) ago

That they are.


13 year(s) ago

It's things like this that make me grateful that I can fall into the arms of my husband and know that he'll knock the teeth out of any creepers. XD And you know, sometimes, I wish I was invisable to everyone except my husband. Anyone else know what I mean?

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