


14 year(s) ago

Cornelia Funke is one of my all-time favorite authors. She just has this amazing prose that.... well.... it's hard to explain unless you read it for yourself. I've read almost every book she has written and enjoyed each one. (I really need to get a copy of Igraine) So when I heard that Inkheart was being made into a movie, I was slightly apprehensive about how they would change it. I mean, it's a complicated series of books. (Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath) I saw it in the movie rental place and went ahead and rented it. To my suprise, it was just as amazing as the book. I mean, they had to change quite a bit to make it fit into a movie, and they changed the ending so that it wouldn't have to be a series of movies, but I thought it was really well done. They nailed the characters, (even Dustfinger, who's a pretty hard character to portray!!!) and they managed to keep the magic that Funke weaves into her books. All in all, it was a really good movie. I would totally recomend watching it.


14 year(s) ago

o_O I disagree. :P

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