
Is the lotto black book system is really worth ?


12 year(s) ago

Hi all, Does any one help me find out that the book "The Lotto Black Book" is actually worth or just a plain scam. kindly suggest.


12 year(s) ago

I'm going to go with saying it's a scam. If it was possible to gamble without risk of loss, it wouldn't be gambling. And if there was some way to cheat the system, more people would know about it and implement it, and lottery tickets wouldn't be a source of revenue for states.


12 year(s) ago

If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Also, a system that can only increase your chances 48.7% can't be called "fail proof".


12 year(s) ago

I have to agree with Serf about the gambling and the chances of winning, even with a cheat book. I also have to agree with Nathan about if it sounds too good to be true... It usually is too good to be true. Let's say you hear about a fabulous house that's for sale for way under market value. 10 to 1 it's a scam and the house is a dump or non-existent. Guess what? The seller has your money. The same goes for land since the seller probably selling you swamp land or something. remember the scams about the Brooklyn Bridge or the Eiffel Tower?

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