
is there something wrong with me?


12 year(s) ago

I have no sympathy at all for sick people, zero. well I do for people with like cancer but just a cold or the flu nope none. and yes I know how horrible both can be but I just find people who sulk around pathetic. maybe its because when I'm sick I still do chores and the like but my brothers get a cough and don't have to lift a finger it urks me so bad! like yesterday I could barely breath but I was still expected to get the house ready for faith's birthday, my brothers would have never been asked to do that! AGH like my brother just threw up and all I can think is Pathetic weakling, I know I should be kinder but I don't see why.... am I the only one who is like this?


12 year(s) ago

I'm sure there are... unfortunately I'm not one of them. ^^; Although I'm rather disgusted by such favoritism...


12 year(s) ago

Yeah, I'm like that for the most part...and know other people who are like that too, so you're not alone there.


12 year(s) ago

thanks its nice to know I'm not the only one like this and Kellie they seem to be getting better about it slowly thankfully


11 year(s) ago

i dont belive anything wrong with you i just belive your one that feel like everybody shpuld be treated equally not just any body expect you


11 year(s) ago

I'm a little more sympathetic but I am sorta the same way. My mom always depends on me to help her. I have a brother who does very little and seems to get more stuff than I do cuz he goes off and doesn't help. I have a younger sister who is lazy and a younger brother who is way too little. I don't see it as unfair, just that I am more depended on than my siblings. I can't stand it though when people complain about something they brought on themselves. i have issues and i don't complain about them, but the people i know always complain so it may be tht you don't like complaining therefore you think others shouldn't do it too?

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