
It\'s 11:30 Washington time...


12 year(s) ago

-Is anyone awake and like a chat? Because it doesn't look like I'm going to bed anytime soon. :/


12 year(s) ago

It's 3:26AM in Virginia (April 28). I'm zonked tired; but can't get to sleep. Been trying on line to find out info about Bill's (late-hubby) great-granddad William Nuckels who was born Botetourt County, Virginia in 1831. He supposedly died in Rockbridge County, virginia in 1864 or 1865. He was a member of Company F, 27th Virginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade. I can't seem to get past him to find out his mom and dad's names and where/when they were born and died.


12 year(s) ago

It's 2:23 PM here right now and I'm watching Whose Line is it Anyway because I don't want to do physics, math, or engineering


12 year(s) ago

It's 10 after 9 at night. And I don't wanna go to class in the morning.

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