
its another one


16 year(s) ago

hey so i know this is another topic about dating but how do you say, in the nicest possible way, that you dot want to go out with someone just yet cause theyr not christian?


16 year(s) ago

[b]keyseya wrote:[/b] [quote]hey so i know this is another topic about dating but how do you say, in the nicest possible way, that you dot want to go out with someone just yet cause theyr not christian?[/quote] This is what you say: "I don't want to date you because you are not a Christan"


16 year(s) ago

yeah well that seems easy! just like they said! if you know thats why you don't want to go out with them stick to it! and Heck thats what my mom said to my dad when they were dating[ yep she dumped him], and he became a really great strong Christian because of her! i'm not saying that this guy is going to see that your right and become a believer, but done give up hope, just keep showing him how Gods love through you and maybe it will work out! and Don't date him if you don't feel right about it! all you have to do is tell him no, and WAIT!


16 year(s) ago

Is this about you? If it is, you aren't dating the person because they aren't Christian?


16 year(s) ago

ok. There is nothing wrong with dating someone wiith different beliefs. My mom is a Christian and my dad is Jewish. He's awesome! Just remember that Jesus wouldn't cut someone off because of it.


16 year(s) ago

"I am really sorry, but we can't have a romantic relationship right now because you don't share my faith. I am cool with being your friend and all, but dating wouldn't be a healthy thing for me at this point."

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