
Just curious of peoples views..


12 year(s) ago

What are your views on the wars that have been going on over years, over the decades. I think that both sides pretty much go through the same..They both lose family, and are hurt over it... I get how sometimes war is "the only way". But why does it have to be the only option most of the time? I respect the people who go over seas and fight for our rights but...It just makes me think. So what are your opinions on it? I figured things were getting too quiet in the forums so...Why not make a new subject to discuss.


12 year(s) ago

If you ask me, the most recent war only STARTED as our military fighting for OUR freedoms...it didn't end that way...In Iraq, they were fighting for, really, noone's freedom. That one should not have even happened let alone lasted as long as it did...and I used to be for that one... Afghanistan...there we were fighting for our freedoms as on 9/11 they were threatened, however still I am not sure why we are still there...bin Laden is gone, and we even did that wrong if you ask me..


12 year(s) ago

As far as Just War Tradition (or Just War Theory) goes, I don't think Iraq fell under the criterion for a just war. Afghanistan *might* but it's kind of a big expensive mess. And Iraq and Afghanistan aside, I feel as though there should be more accountability for the Executive branch so that it cannot involve us in conflicts without declaring war, and so that there are negative repercussions for leaders who involve us in wars that are unjust.


12 year(s) ago

Yeah, Sometimes it just seems like the government fights to fight... To feel more on top of things. Being the top dog and getting into everything. I think war works when fighting for freedom, or for rights and to make people feel secure. But to waste peoples lives over fighting to stay on top, and seem better in ways.. Isn't right. I respect the people who go into war who fight for those who can't, but their lives aren't something to throw around, so I don't respect the governments choices.


12 year(s) ago

[b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote]And Iraq and Afghanistan aside, I feel as though there should be more accountability for the Executive branch so that it cannot involve us in conflicts without declaring war, and so that there are negative repercussions for leaders who involve us in wars that are unjust.[/quote] Well, [i]technically[/i], there should be impeachment, but, y'know, who cares about that anymore.


12 year(s) ago

[i]My[/i] war was the Vietnam War. I was a teen and about 6 years younger than the average Vietnam War veteran's age. It shouldn't have started, especially when the Executive and Legislative Branches covered up boo-coo things. they even would lie about the body count "so we civvies wouldn't be disturbed" at how many US military died over there (sneer). What a crock. I really wasn't into the Nam War as a teen. I had other things to think about, teenager things. Besides, it was happening a million miles away from my life, so why worry about it or the dudes over there? I mean, come on. I ATE with the war in front of me on tv. it was on all the commercial news stations of the time(well-before cable, internet, iPhones, and so on). Yeah, I actually thought this back then when I WAS a metaphorical shavetail. I wasn't a Hippie or a Yippee (cleaner and neater Hippie). I didn't spit or throw feces at the uniformed men. I didn't yll out, "Baby killer!". Yet, I was just as bad as them. I was indifferent to the war, the military men, the veterans for 20 years between 1962-1982. This colored my view about war, the government, etc. What changed my mind? Getting to know the veterans from World War One to Vietnam. Getting to actually see the DC Vietnam Memorial Wall on tv. All the healing began between 1974 to 1982. Now, I honor the military men, even if I don't approve of war itself. I'm all for the troops, no matter what branch of the US military.

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