


13 year(s) ago

Okay so I would like your opinion my little situation. My Pastor has a strict belief that no one should enter into a relationship till collage, and for the most part I understand this for most people that could be a smart choice, but not for everyone. The pastor has let the congregation know his stance often but lets choose for themselves (how it should be) but has also told the people if they let their teens enter a relationship before collage they are outside the will of the church. Well just recently I have entered a long distance courting relationship with my life long friend David (he lives in CA and I live in SC) with the full approval of both our parents. well my Dad went out to lunch with my father during which my father told him that "we are letting our daughter to be in a relationship with a boy we have know for a very long time to find out if it could lead to marriage". to this my Pastor told my parents that they must stop teaching the Sunday school classes that they taught because we were outside the will of the church. I guess this wouldn't erk me so much if David didn't live on the other side of the country, and if all parents at the church with children in relationships where asked to step down, but their not I can give you a list more than 5 families long who are still in teaching positions, and yes the church knows. Is it wrong for me to be erked about this? is it time for me to get over this(it happened Wednesday)? oh and sorry about my probably horrible Grammar :dry:


13 year(s) ago

No, you have the right to be irked. I would like him to quote Biblical verses that would give him reason to attack people who let their adult/near adult children date. I really think it's not so much "outside the will of the church" as it is "outside the will of this one particular pastor"...


13 year(s) ago

I agree with Chelsea. That's sort of ridiculous that he's making his personal opinion on dating - that really can't be backed up by Bible - into the "will of the church."


13 year(s) ago

I would be irked as well. There's nothing wrong with dating before college, especially when you're mature about it. And it's really not fair of him to make your parents step down just because they allow something he's not okay with. Lame.


13 year(s) ago

I think your irkness is more than justified. I'd be more than irked in your shoes, I'd be lookin' for a new church. He's pretty much moved beyond the bounds of his authority. You might be able to take this up with a higher authority.

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