
Let\'s judge each other!


13 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote] 5. Almost anything by Stanley Kubrick, including Strangelove and 2001 and especially A Clockwork Orange.[/quote] :( Overrated movies? I'd try to make a short list, but nothing's really popping into my head besides the usual suspects (Titanic, The Usual Suspects (ZING!), Forrest Gump). I did, however, just watch A Streetcar Named Desire last night and I found that to be pretty overrated. It was still a really good film, but the only things that really stand out about it are the writing and Brando's powerhouse performance.


13 year(s) ago

[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]Natalie Portman is a good actress. You can't judge the quality of any performer by the Star Wars prequels. She had the most atrocious lines to spit, I defy anyone to make it sound good. Even Hayden Christensen isn't nearly as bad as you'd think. George Lucas just can't direct actors, or write dialog.[/quote]You got a point there. But I still wouldn't watch Black Swan. Its just not my movie. It kind of looks like another episode of Days of our Lives.


13 year(s) ago

So I'm only roughly six months late. :) My Top 10 Movies (except for the last one (two), not in any particular order): Charade (1963) Psycho (1960) Inception (2010) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) The Sixth Sense (1999) Aladdin (1992) The Philadelphia Story (1940) The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Ghostbusters (1984) Good Will Hunting (1997) [b]or[/b] Alien (1979) Favorite Directors (also in no particular order): Alfred Hitchcock M. Night Shyamalan Steven Spielberg Stanley Donen Frank Capra Christopher Nolan Martin Scorsese Clint Eastwood Edgar Wright Ron Howard Favorite Actor: Robin Williams Favorite Actress: Kate Winslet Favorite Screenwriters: J. J. Abrams Ernest Lehman Charlie Kaufman Joss Whedon

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