
Major mope


13 year(s) ago

I'm having a major mope right now cause Logan arrived last night and now he is gone. :( The short of the long is that he came up yesterday on the bus to spend some time with me before he went into the army and then overseas for 6 months. We hadn't seen each other for 3 weeks or so (since I moved back up to university) and had had some tough times over the last few weeks (mainly due to me being in a mega downer of a mood these past few weeks) so we were looking forward to spending some time together, being able to talk face to face, go for walks etc etc; just generally do what couples normally do. I left class early today because I needed to do some jobs before taking Logan back to my place because he had an interview via Skype. We were quickly doing some shopping when Logan got several calls from his Sergent saying that he was meant to be on an exercise which started yesterday morning. Turns out Logan had been given the wrong start date. So we had to rush around the supermarket, rush home (I drove half illegally :pinch:) and get Skype up and running for the interview (it really didn't want to play the game). While he had his interview I tried to get him a ride to the army base which is a good 5-6 hours away. I ended up putting him on a bus with instructions on how to get to where he was meeting a friend who would then drive him down to his parents through rush hour traffic. I am seriously... I don't even know how I feel... Sad... Incredibly annoyed... Down... We didn't even get to see each other for a whole day due to important things like sleep and uni. I am so over not being able to see him regularly! If things go according to plan then I'll next see him in about a months time for a few days, but then after it's likely I won't get to see him for another 6 months! As pathetic as it sounds I keep crying cause I just want to be with him cuddling on the couch while watching a movie. Tonight shall be a 'woe is me' night with ice cream, chocolate biscuits and a chick flick! :(


13 year(s) ago

Although I can't even imagine how sucky that would be to have such short a time together after being apart, I do know what the long distance thing is like. I feel ya! I'll be praying.


13 year(s) ago

I am right there with you I haven't seen David in over a year and might not get to see him this year as well, it sucks I just want to be like a normal couple...


13 year(s) ago

I can't relate but I don't think it sounds pathetic at all. That really sucks. *major hugs*


13 year(s) ago

Awww :( I'm so sorry, hun. I understand. Levi was only a 45 minute drive away from my house, but we only got to see each other about once a month/every other month, and for a whole semester we could only see each other to do homework together because he was too busy. And pathetic? Pshhh. I hadn't seen Levi for a month or two at some point and cried on the way to camp because I (thought I couldn't) see him and had to pass by the road he lives on, haha >.< Thankfully, my mom stopped by and he went with us to drop me off, but it was still really sad and pathetic and my friend was sympathizing, haha. We're girls; we're emotional. And it doesn't help when you're in love and just want to be with him alllll the time in general, but you don't even have the option. It does suck. I hope your chocolate "biscuits" help :) I love you! Feel free to message me or call if you want or need, love.


13 year(s) ago

Thanks guys, y'all are great! I've been really praying about things and God has defiantly improved my mood (the biscuits also helped!). Also, exciting news! He can receive mail so I wrote him a letter yesterday and posted it today. And... I can go to his marching out parade! I'm so excited about being able to go cause it's a big deal! :D

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