
Men vs. Women in the BIBLE


17 year(s) ago

All right people, here's the question, you provide the answer: Somewhere in the New Testament, I came across a place that said that women should not be in positions of leadership. The question as to why burned inside me for MONTHS and I finally decided to bring this to the Mypraize forums. I think there was more in the Bible passage about this, but I forgot what it was. Shouldn't be too hard to find out, I remember that Paul wrote the book this was in.... personally, I agree. a SMALL percentage of women have control over their emotions, and even then, not fully. The only woman televangelist I can agree with in some areas is Joyce Meyer, but all the rest just make me laugh. Hillary Clinton as president? PLEASE! I only know TWO women who would make good candidates, and one of them is in heaven. So please share with me your opinions, cause I am sort of confused in this area.


17 year(s) ago


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