
More Than One Messiah


17 year(s) ago

[b]Isaiah 45:1 - "Thus says ADONAI to Koresh, his anointed (Messiah), whose right hand he has grasped, so that he subdues nations before him and strips kings of their robes, so that doors open in front of him, and no gates are barred: 'I will go ahead of you, leveling the hills, shattering the bronze gates, smashing the iron bars. I will give you treasures hoarded in the dark, secret riches hidden away, so that you will know that I, ADONAI, calling you by your name, am the G-d of Israel. It is for the sake of Ya'akov my servant, yes, for Israel my elect, that I call you by your name and give you a title, although you don't know me.'"[/b] The statements made here for Cyrus were also made for Yeshua (Jesus) who was a later Messiah (anointed)! Notice Cyrus being Messiah was not G-d! Messiah simply means the Anointed One. It is not a title meaning G-d.

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