
MTV evil?


17 year(s) ago

MTV has a dangerous affect on our youth generation. Check the facts 1,500 unedited foul language every week Violent music videos -Violent lyric content, lead to teens insensitive to violence Nickeldeon, VH1, BET, and MTV all same company -“They look to MTV to find their world in their language, from their point of view. Teens 15-17 are extremely impressionable, now is the time to influence their choices.” “MTV has had as far reaching an influence on many facets of popular culture as any cable television network. Its effects on music, TV, and lifestyle fashions have been deep and enduring.” L.A. Daily News "We dont seek fourteen-years-old we own them." Bob Pittman, head of MTV Sexual Content -3,000 images of porn a week -9 every hour Compared to only 5 on primetime networks after 9p.m. What do you think?


17 year(s) ago

mtv needs to actually play music to be called Music Television


17 year(s) ago

yeah. MTV does need to play music all they do is show shows and like no music at all even if they do its just repedetive....stupid MTV lol

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