
Obama\'s Pastor


16 year(s) ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPjVp3PLnVs Obama's pastor of twenty years. Interesting, no? Edit: [color=#FF0000]Warning to people who might be offended: contains the "n" word.[/color]

Post edited by: MisterNathan, at: 2008/03/13 21:10


16 year(s) ago

This guy is off his reservation.


16 year(s) ago

You want to see the context that Rev.Wrong was using, click this link and watch for yourself. http://www.eyeblast.tv/Public/Video.aspx?rsrcID=2036 Liberalism and Christianity don't go together, it's an oxi-moron. This "Reverend" guy is out preaching his gospel and not the true gospel. Not to mention Obama scares the living crap out of me. I don't care how many times you say your not like your "pastor". 20 years next to the guy you'll pick up on his belief system one way or another, as is reflected by his wife. The bottom line is Obama is going to give us the kind of change, that will cripple this country for good. And by all means it's not about race, as it always gets played that way. I wouldn't mind a black president, just not this guy. And the more I look into it the more I am finding that the race problem in America today isn't whites against blacks, no it's now turned into the black against whites. By hearing the verbal diarrhea coming out of Rev. Wrong's mouth, it further proves to me the race card is continuing to get played so the issue can stay hot in hopes to one day rebel against "the white devils that oppress the people". Give me a break. I live in South Florida and this is always being brought up. A black guy shoots a white guya and resists arrests while trying to run away, automatically this statement comes out "It's because of my color"... No my friend it's because you shot someone and the law says you go to jail, same rules apply for everyone else in this country. Anyways, this is the kind of mentality unfortunately many people have now a days. Instead uniting as one people, it's individuals like this who cause division. I have many black friends and I'm not racist by any means, I just can't stand this kind of crap being preached from a pulpit or even reflected in a potential president.

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