


13 year(s) ago

Can y'all pray for me please? In a spot of bother. Am getting picked up any minute so will explain tomorrow when I get back. Thanks.


13 year(s) ago

Basically I'm not liking where I'm living at the moment. Last night I couldn't take it so my pastors came and picked me up and I stayed at their place last night. Am going to look at a place tomorrow where I can live if it works out. And if it does I will hopefully move this weekend. I've been getting very little sleep lately (more so than usual) which cause me to get migraines easier which then doesn't help me get my assignments done. I really hope that this new place works out but I'm just lifting it up to God and trusting in Him. Thanks for praying Scott.


13 year(s) ago

Went to see the house and everything seemed perfect... But they're Mormons. Mum and Dad don't want me living there which is fair enough so I'm stuck at this house for goodness knows how long...

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