[b]TrueConvert wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]Swinny89 wrote:[/b]
[quote]can anyone argue that if God predestines(not foreknowledge) someone to hell He is unloving? or if He predestines someone to heaven, they arnt really loving God? are we not created to be loved by God and to love(as a choice) Him back?
if God really does predestine people to heaven or hell, i have no assureance of being in heaven with Him someday, and therefore makes Him a lier, and makes me no longer one of His followers. (thank God its not true)<br><br>Post edited by: Swinny89, at: 2007/01/08 20:43[/quote]
Wrong: If given justice, all men would spend eternity in hell. God has chosen to give mercy to some, justice to others. Noone gets injustice. You should be amazed and in awe that He chooses to save any at all. If you are among those He saved, praise Him for His AMAZING GRACE.[/quote]
God dosent hold back his mercy. its given freely. he doesnt alow it to some and hold it back from others. hes at everyone door with a handfull of mercy, knocking away all day every day. he might knock harder on some doors, like in pauls case, but everyone has the chance to accept Him, and its their choice.